Lidl UK Close to You: Celebrating Seasonal Produce


Lidl UK Close to You: Celebrating Seasonal Produce

Lidl UK is a leading supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, offering customers a wide range of quality products at competitive prices. As part of their commitment to providing customers with the freshest and most delicious produce, Lidl UK has launched a new campaign called “Close to You”. This campaign celebrates the seasonal produce that is available in the UK, and encourages customers to make the most of the fresh, local produce that is available.

The Close to You campaign is designed to help customers make the most of the seasonal produce that is available in the UK. The campaign focuses on the importance of buying local produce, as it is fresher and more nutritious than produce that has been imported from abroad. Lidl UK has also partnered with local farmers and suppliers to ensure that customers have access to the freshest and most delicious produce.

The Close to You campaign also encourages customers to try new recipes and explore different ways of cooking with seasonal produce. Lidl UK has created a range of recipes that make the most of the seasonal produce available, and customers can find these recipes on the Lidl UK website. The recipes are designed to be easy to follow and make the most of the seasonal produce available.

The Close to You campaign also encourages customers to explore the different varieties of seasonal produce that are available. Lidl UK has created a range of seasonal produce guides, which provide customers with information about the different types of produce that are available, as well as tips on how to store and prepare them.

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The Close to You campaign is a great way for customers to make the most of the seasonal produce that is available in the UK. By buying local produce, customers can ensure that they are getting the freshest and most nutritious produce available. The campaign also encourages customers to explore different recipes and varieties of seasonal produce, helping them to make the most of the produce that is available.


Q: What is the Close to You campaign?

A: The Close to You campaign is a Lidl UK initiative that celebrates the seasonal produce that is available in the UK. The campaign encourages customers to make the most of the fresh, local produce that is available, and to explore different recipes and varieties of seasonal produce.

Q: How can I find recipes that make the most of seasonal produce?

A: Lidl UK has created a range of recipes that make the most of the seasonal produce available. These recipes can be found on the Lidl UK website.

Q: How can I find out more about the different types of seasonal produce that are available?

A: Lidl UK has created a range of seasonal produce guides, which provide customers with information about the different types of produce that are available, as well as tips on how to store and prepare them. These guides can be found on the Lidl UK website.

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Ernie Takovsky

Website Editor-in-Chief. I write on interesting topics. Education: Law. In my spare time I like to play golf and go fishing.