Kmart Bondi Junction

kmart bondi junction

Kmart opened Australia’s first discount department store in Burwood in 1969, and quickly became a national icon. Today, this retailer has over 180 stores in Australia, offering customers irresistibly low prices on a range of products. From clothing and electronics to furniture and groceries, Kmart has something for every budget. There’s no better time than now to visit one of their Bondi Junction branches, and you’ll be glad you did.

Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Kmart in Bondi Junction, Australia

If you’re looking for the easiest way to get to Kmart in Bondy Junction, Australia, you’ve come to the right place. Kmart is located inside Westfield Bondi Junction on Grafton Street, 0.9 kilometers from Bondi. This location is convenient for residents of the surrounding areas of Woollahra and Bondi Junction. You can easily access the store by walking from the train station, which is located 5 minutes away.

Moovit can help you find the quickest route to Kmart in Bondi Junction, using public transit. The Moovit app provides a map and timetable to help you plan your trip. Kmart has 1 branch nearby, and the catalogue for the current catalogue is valid until 11 May 2022. It is free to use, and Moovit has over 930 million users worldwide.

If you’re looking for an easy way to get to Kmart in Bondite Junction, Australia, you should check out the Sydney Trains. They operate between Sydney Airport and the CBD, and Bondi Junction Station is close by. The station also has secure parking. You can also use the nearby Bondi Junction bus interchange to reach Kmart.

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Moovit can help you get to Kmart in Bondi Junction by bus, train, or foot. We’ll show you the best routes based on the number of people traveling from your location. Once you’ve figured out how to reach Kmart in Bondi Junction, Australia, you can easily plan your trip by using our interactive map.

There are 1 branches nearby

The Kmart Bondi Junction branch is one of 194 Kmart stores in Australia. Located at Eastgate S/C, Cnr. Spring and Newland Sts, Bondi Junction, NSW, Australia, it has 44 products on sale. Its location makes it ideal for a quick stopover. Moovit has over 930 million users and can help you find the best route to Kmart – from the busiest stops to the cheapest train fares.

Seeking the convenience of a local store? We have all your needs sorted. Click on this link: Laura Ashley home furnishing near me, to access a thorough directory of the stores closest to you. This directory includes their routine working hours, special holiday schedules, and their closing times. This allows you to effortlessly verify if a specific store is open today, or determine their operating times for any day of the week. This resource is constructed with the aim of providing you with all necessary details to plan your shopping trips efficiently. Remember to save this helpful link and feel free to share it with others who might find this information useful.

Ernie Takovsky

Website Editor-in-Chief. I write on interesting topics. Education: Law. In my spare time I like to play golf and go fishing.