If you’re planning a trip to Kmart Bondi Junction, Australia, Moovit can help you get there with the best routes and times. Use our timetable to find out how to get to Kmart Bondi Junction. There are 1 nearby branches of Kmart to help you get to Kmart Bondi Junction on time. You can also view the weekly catalogue to find great deals. The current catalogue is valid until 11 May 2022.
Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Kmart in Bondi Junction, Australia
Moovit is a free transit app that makes it easy to find the fastest directions and maps to Kmart anywhere in the world, and Kmart in Bondi Junction, Australia is no exception. Download the app today to get live directions to Kmart, buy transit passes in advance, and get real-time updates. It also has great customer reviews, and over 930 million users trust Moovit to make planning and traveling to Kmart in Bondi Junction, Australia easy and convenient!
Alternative routes for getting to Kmart in Bondi Junction
If you’re looking for a convenient way to get to Kmart in Bondi Junction, there are a few alternatives. By bus, you can use the 400 local route, which skips the Airport Station Access fee. The train stops at Mascot suburban rail station, which is one stop south of Bondi Junction. Once at the station, follow the signs and board any train on platform 1 or 2. From there, you’ll continue through the city and suburbs of New South Wales.
Timetable for Kmart route to Bondi Junction
A Kmart timetable is a useful resource to assist you in getting to the store. Kmart is located in Sydney, Australia, and you can get there by using one of the various bus and train lines. To get to Kmart, you can use Moovit, which is a free transit app with over 930 million users worldwide. It shows you how long it will take you to get to Kmart, as well as directions to the store.
The Bondi Junction to St Leonards service departs hourly from Central Station. The trip takes about an hour and costs around $2-$3. You can also take a bus from Bondi Junction to St Leonards, which operates four times daily. Timetable for Kmart route to Bondi Junction starts at 2:19pm and takes approximately 15 minutes to reach Bondi Junction. There are some seasonal changes to the timetable, so be sure to check your timetable carefully.
Seeking the convenience of a local store? We have all your needs sorted. Click on this link: Lidl grocery store near me, to access a thorough directory of the stores closest to you. This directory includes their routine working hours, special holiday schedules, and their closing times. This allows you to effortlessly verify if a specific store is open today, or determine their operating times for any day of the week. This resource is constructed with the aim of providing you with all necessary details to plan your shopping trips efficiently. Remember to save this helpful link and feel free to share it with others who might find this information useful.